Setting Goals & Planning for 2022

Setting Goals & Planning for 2022Planning for 2022

Let’s talk about setting goals and planning for 2022! January is a great time to set your business up for success and build a plan to grow your business over the coming months. Setting goals is easy but developing a plan you can execute is the hard part! It’s easy to get overwhelmed so we’ve broken down a step by step way to crush your business goals in the new year.

01 Write Down Your Goals for the Year

This is a pretty obvious place to start and is super easy to do! Write down all of your business goals for the year – these will be your main objectives. They can be broad but it’s best to focus on three or four major ideas.

Some examples include:

  • Create a stronger social media presence
  • Develop more passive income
  • Up engagement and reach a larger audience
  • Start a podcast
  • Build client list and online portfolio


02 Brainstorm Action Items That Support Each Goal

This is where you can get specific and write down simple tasks that push yourself towards each goal! Creating a stronger social media presence is a great place to start, but unless you map out a specific to-do list for yourself, it’s easy to lose motivation or feel overwhelmed on where to begin. Developing specific tasks will help you stay on track and break up the goal into bite size, attainable pieces. The idea is that if you complete each task on this list, you will reach the overall goal! This concept is often referred to as “objectives and key results” or OKRs.

Create a Stronger Social Media Presence

  • Post on social platforms 2x weekly
  • Develop instagram guides
  • Create and post a reel 1x weekly
  • Post on stories Monday-Friday
  • Respond to all comments and dm’s
  • Pre-layout posts so feed has a cohesive look


03 Develop a Schedule and Stick to it

Once you have a plan in place, lay everything out on a calendar with clear deadlines and stick to it. Don’t forget to block out time in your schedule to do the work, whether that time is used to write content, design layouts, respond to comments, etc. Try to create content ahead of time so you have everything ready to go.

Hope this helps and happy planning!! If you stick to the plan and focus on completing each specific small task, you are guaranteed to accomplish the original main goal! Let us know how your planning for 2022 goes! Happy New Year!